• January 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    New Year, New Spine The New Year is here! Have you thought about your New Year’s resolution yet? Most people like to cut back on chocolate or get to the gym more, but here’s a different idea: why not focus on taking better care of your spine? If you think about it, your spine is the structural groundwork

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  • January 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Avoiding Neck Pain in the New Year Perhaps you slept on the wrong kind of pillow, experienced an auto accident, or simply turned your head in a strange position. Neck pain happens and it happens to people more often than you’d think. But that doesn’t mean you have to live out the rest of your life

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  • January 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Exercise for Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread muscle pain and tenderness. It is often followed by fatigue and poor sleep, memory, and mood. When you have fibromyalgia, the last thing you probably want to do is exercise your pain-riddled body. However, exercise might be exactly

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  • January 2024 Chiropractic Newsletter What Chiropractors Want You to Know About Whiplash

    The term "whiplash" describes a specific type of motion in which your cervical spine (that is, your neck) is quickly, intensely, repeatedly, and forcefully jolted back and forth. This abrupt and unexpected motion can lead to a spinal misalignment/subluxation or cause damage to nerves and other soft tissue

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  • July 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Hiking and Chiropractic With summer finally here, hikers will be taking on their favorite rocky trails. Even the most experienced hiker knows the unexpected can happen out there on the trails, so it’s best to be prepared for anything. That means anything from having the right gear and knowing how to

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