• October 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

    The weather has gotten colder, and for many people with joint problems, that means trouble. Lots of people report increased back pain in cold weather, as well as stiffness and sensitivity. However, the ordinary turning of the seasons doesn’t mean that you need to resort to medication or resign yourself

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  • October 2023 Chiropractic Newsletter Assistance for Sports Injuries

    Participating in sports at any age is an enjoyable way to stay fit, healthy, and young at heart. However, even the most elite athletes, as well as weekend warriors, understand there is always a potential that a sports-related injury could sideline them for a few days or longer. Fortunately, healthcare

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  • September 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Brachial Plexus Injuries If you’ve suffered from tingling, numbness, or pain radiating down your arm, the problem may actually be nerve damage closer to your shoulder. Most of the nerves in the arm arise from the cervical spine, gathering in the neck. They bundle together with a nerve from the upper

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  • September 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Why Keeping Health in Mind is Important for a Desk Job Those of us who work at desk jobs do a lot of sitting. This can easily give us sedentary lives considering we are sitting all day, losing energy, and then after work, we are too tired to get in some exercise. In addition, poor desk posture can lead

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  • September 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Whiplash Symptoms and Treatment While some people can walk away from car accidents unscathed, some aren't as lucky. Car accidents, specifically rear-end car accidents, have enough force to cause an injury called whiplash. According to Mayo Clinic, “whiplash is a neck injury due to forceful, rapid

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