• May 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    The Physical Effects of Stress The status of our mental health plays a large role in managing stress. Stress is the body’s fight or flight response to fear, anxiety, irritability, or anger. Stress is more than an emotion, however. When the mind is constantly fixated on something bothersome, the body

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  • May 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Living Healthier During the Summer With summer approaching quickly, it is the perfect time to start thinking about ways to live healthier. Many people think that in order to live healthier they need to drastically change their lifestyle. The reality is small changes can make a big difference. There are

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  • December 2017 Chiro Newsletter

    How the Change of Seasons Affects Our Health The clock has turned back one hour and the sun has gone into hibernation. This lack of sunshine not only dampens our mood but can lead to depression in the upcoming winter months. Serotonin is a chemical that influences a variety of body and psychological

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  • January 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Psychological Consequences of Back Pain Back pain is the second leading cause of disability in the United States, and still many people overlook how profoundly their mindset is influencing the pain. Your attitude can contribute to your back pain or make it worse, based on how you view the pain and if

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  • February 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    The Connection between Whiplash and Concussions Chiropractors commonly serve as sports medicine doctors. Our expertise in the musculoskeletal system enables us to train teens and young adults to avoid overuse injuries and maximize flexibility. But there’s one type of injury that is of increasing concern

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